Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Ban All Cars
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Damien Newton from Streetsblog LA (https://la.streetsblog.org/) lends his transit expertise to this week's show, along with comedian Adam Yenser.
The conversation goes in depth on LA transit issues like electric scooters, "road diets" and whether they hurt local businesses, Vision Zero, and numerous other transit nerd topics.
Plus: a very special talk radio interview, the definition of a "bollard," and someone on the show was late! Can you guess who?
Isaac's full interview with Mark Thompson: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/conway-on-demand-20635767/episode/conwayshow-101-he-was-29930696/ (starts at 33:01)
Adam Yenser: http://adamyenser.com/
Damien Newton's contributor page on Streetsblog LA: https://la.streetsblog.org/author/damien/
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed and sworn in as the newest Supreme Court Justice, so now it's time for a debrief with guests Cameron Johnson and Adam Yenser.
Adam is pro-Kavanaugh. Cameron is anti-Kavanaugh. Isaac is not pro-Kavanaugh but IS pro-Kavanaugh-confirmation! Charles is pro-weird Kavanaugh-related stories.
Questions asked: do Kavanaugh's accusers have any reason to lie? What would serve as proof that Kavanaugh did not commit assault? Should you face consequences for something you did forty years ago? What is the future of the Supreme Court?
Also discussed: who has been in a bar fight and why, what happens in a blackout, and Isaac Simpson's standup advice!
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
The Future is Nonmonogamous
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
"Ethically nonmonogamous" Mitcz Marzoni (https://revmitcz.com/) is this episode's special guest, along with obsessively monogamous fan favorite Heather Marulli. The topic: open relationships and how they function.
Mitcz describes his dating life while Heather has PTSD flashbacks. Isaac wonders if the cycle of endlessly pursuing something new is even more of a prison than a monogamous relationship. Charles thinks people are less monogamous than they claim.
Also discussed: Satanism, whether men or women are more attached to experiences, and Heather's love of dirty talk.
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
An Affirming Journey of Self Discovery and Positive Thinking
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Isaac shares the deeply personal story of his walk from San Diego to Long Beach, a journey whereupon he confronted the dark truths of his existence and faced some of his most inmost fears.
Joining the show is self-help guru Evan Williams, and he and Charles lend an ear to Isaac's tale in wonder and awe. Listen in to get inspired!
The episode where Isaac's prophecy was delivered: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/psychic-powers-dont-exist/id1049308545?i=1000375225497&mt=2&app=podcast&at=1000lubR
The Burning Man episode: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/burning-man-is-douchey/id1049308545?i=1000392145471&mt=2&app=podcast&at=1000lubR
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
The Bad Blood of Theranos's Elizabeth Holmes
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
On this week's episode, a mystery guest turns up to talk Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos, and the John Carreyrou book about it all: Bad Blood. Holmes's peculiarities are examined: her Steve Jobs emulation, her fake deep voice, and whether or not she believed in her own BS. Isaac wonders if she got as far as she did because of feminism, while Charles thinks it's standard tech industry goo-goo.
Also discussed: terrible 9/11 social media posts, why companies behaving like cults is a good indication they are selling fraudulent products, and the likelihood of a Not a Huge Fan YouTube show.
Bad Blood: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/549478/bad-blood-by-john-carreyrou/9781524731656/
Vanity Fair article: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/09/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-exclusive
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Everyone Should Do Drugs
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Frank Traynor is back! This week we're talking DRUGS, a subject on which Isaac and Frank are both self-styled experts. Everyone shares their best and worst drug stories, which include Charles's edible paranoia and Isaac accidentally doing meth in Mexico. Frank tells the story of doing drugs on a camping trip with panty-removing daddy Dan D'Aprile.
Isaac thinks drug use should be a special occasion, Frank thinks everyone should do more drugs, and Charles describes the time his mom thought he was smoking pot because he had a computer game that smelled weird.
Also discussed: drug decriminalization (try and guess who is pro and con), Isaac and Frank provide recommendations for the best drug to do, and why you don't want to be the old guy at the rave.
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The Homeless Episode
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Ask and ye shall receive! Time to talk homelessness with someone who knows something about it: Brad Robinson is the Director of Corporate Relations and Innovation for the Skid Row Housing Trust (skidrow.org), a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles that builds housing for the homeless population.
This is a long and in-depth conversation about homelessness, its causes, and the various ways the problem can be addressed. Brad describes the mission and methods of the Trust, provides theories about why some homeless people engage in antisocial behavior, and why homelessness and its solutions are not liberal or conservative issues.
Also: Isaac loves pooping in public, one of our listeners is a professor???, and Brad answers listener questions.
LA Times article mentioned: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-homeless-how-we-got-here-20180201-story.html
Skid Row Housing Trust: http://skidrow.org/
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Minisode: Horrible Bosses
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
An episode all about working! The show will suffer when Isaac and Charles gain their podcast riches because they won't be able to share their awful office experiences. Isaac laments the power held by bosses and pines for the office culture of Bridgewater Associates and Principles author Ray Dalio. Charles advocates for buck-passing in interdepartmental corporate warfare. Some have complained the show is sometimes too negative! They are also addressed.
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
We Shouldn't Be Hurting People!
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Brad Robinson of the Skid Row Housing Trust is this week's guest in preparation for his appearance on next week's "very intense" homelessness episode. This week the show looks at the ongoing Asia Argento story (and was recorded before any super-recent developments) and Isaac ties it in to his pet theory about Anthony Bourdain.
Then a quick examination of the bicyclists who were killed in Tajikistan and why certain parties where so quick to turn it into a narrative about their pet issues. Also: how is Tajikistan pronounced? The identity of the person who knows will surprise you.
Also: someone keeps chewing gum, everyone gets called a fascist (including our long-suffering listeners), and a new sound clip makes its debut.
NY Times article on Tajikistan story: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/07/world/asia/islamic-state-tajikistan-bike-attack.html
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Destroy Hollywood
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Isaac and Charles read a listener-suggested Hollywood Reporter article titled "8 Reasons Hollywood is Stressed Out Right Now" and discuss some of the listed reasons, which include content bubbles, Harvey Weinstein, and the death of comedy feature films.
Also discussed: Hannah Gadsby's Nanette, Sarah Jeong, whether Steve Bannon smells bad, and Isaac's conspiracy theory about Anthony Bourdain.
Article: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/8-reasons-hollywood-is-stressed-right-now-1127869