Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
White Thoughts Matter?
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Two white guys discuss Black Lives Matter! What could possibly go wrong? Plenty! Recording problems abound as we suffer through Isaac eating a grapefruit and the local ice cream man making his jingly appearance. Isaac hates a joke I made on Facebook analogizing the "black on black crime" pivot to the lack of people using Orlando to discuss rising HIV infections. Isaac and I disagree on how connected police brutality is to crime rates amongst minority populations. We also talk about online "nutpicking," whether the recent spate of police shootings is part of the vast Clintonian conspiracy, and the plight of straight white men. Music: www.bensound.com
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Has the dating and sex revolution created by the Internet made things better or worse? Isaac suspects the worst! We discuss his upcoming article on the ways men are checking out of the dating/relationship/sex scene and checking in to possible computer-banging. Will sex robots replace women? Isaac thinks we might need to make porn illegal. We compare access to porn to access to drugs. I propose all drugs are legalized! Isaac educates me on Japanese "herbivore men" and the concept of Death by Utopia. A very sexy episode with very unsexy men! Music: www.bensound.com
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Superhero Movies Suck
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Isaac and I argue about the podcast artwork and an amusing email on the topic is read. Isaac scoffs at summer camp for grownups and ties it to the popularity of superhero movies. We disagree on whether superheroes are propaganda for the fake American Dream or whether they're a way for people to escape from their daily existence. We talk about "Breaking Bad" and whether Walter White is just another superhero archetype. Superheroes galore! Isaac is annoyed the topic even came up. Music: www.bensound.com
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Scientology Is Good For You!
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Isaac thinks Scientology gets a bad rap and is no worse than yoga. We discuss his experience with Dianetics auditing and his close relationship with his auditor Veronica. Isaac posits some reasons for Scientology's bad reputation and they aren't very surprising. We also discuss why he considered Scientology in the first place and whether being a straight white male leaves you without a natural community. Then we spend 20 minutes arguing about how to create your own community. Music: www.bensound.com
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Depression Is Not a Disease
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
A new era of NAHF begins with the addition of permanent co-host Isaac Simpson. Isaac doesn't think depression is a disease and instead functions as another element on societal control over the individual. We talk about the Unabomber's manifesto, MGTOWs and redpills, and why men still think they can "earn" a woman. Welcome to NAHF Phase 3! Music: www.bensound.com