Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Minisode: Isaac and Charles Go On Other Podcasts #2
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Isaac and Charles made a guest appearance on an episode of the very popular Unpopular Opinion podcast talking about the Olympics (https://soundcloud.com/unpopularopinion/unp-230). Cohost Brett Rader really disliked Isaac and makes it clear during the course of the episode. Isaac quizzes Charles about what his future in comedy will be and Charles laments the presence of old weirdos. Isaac and Charles both critique how useless it is to promote anything on social media.
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Minisode: Left Wing Lynch Mobs!
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Left wing lynch mobs are here to destroy us all! Or are they? The show starts with a look at the "SJWification" of movie critiques, where films are judged on factors irrelevant to their actual merits. Isaac includes Taylor Sheridan's work in this category. Then a quick mention of Jordan Peterson where Charles gets to do his terrible JPetes impression. Finally, the Bari Weiss Twitter controversy from a few weeks ago is discussed: was she the victim of illiberal leftists or was she just being hardheaded and not admitting she tweeted something dumb? Immigrants: they make the mob dumb!
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Minisode: Stop Playing Music in Public
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Isaac and Charles have both gone through bouts of abstaining from drinking with mixed results! Both "men" miss the way alcohol lubricates social situations. Isaac accuses Charles of being excessively judgmental and hostile in social situations. Charles claims he is usually simply annoyed by selfish behavior. This leads to a discussion of why people behave badly in public, from playing your music without headphones to urinating in public. Charles shares a story about fighting with a bus driver; Isaac shares a story about fighting with a woman at brunch!
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Columbine and the Cause of School Shootings
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Controversial guest Heather Marulli (@FixedAirHeather) is back! She adjudicates a Twitter conflict between Isaac and Charles and then listens to the debut of an Isaac-made sound clip. Charles was in the middle of Dave Cullen's book Columbine when the Parkland shooting happened and that serves as a springboard for a discussion about school massacres. Why are they happening? Why is it always the same type of killer? What can be done? Also discussed: the difference between a classic narcissist and a malignant narcissist, the regression to the mean, and why Isaac claims he can't tell if men are handsome. Special bonus! Catch Charles once again appearing on Heather's podcast while thoroughly criticizing it and her: https://soundcloud.com/heather-marulli/the-prodigal-son-returns-charles-disney-continues-to-give-me-a-hard-time
Note: the most recent edition of Dave Cullen's Columbine retracts the claim that Eric Harris was intimate with a 23 year old woman so some of this episode's dialogue on that topic is incorrect.
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Minisode: Introducing Vandal Press
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
A little bit of housekeeping today as Charles and Isaac wonder why they have so many episode downloads in the Netherlands. Dutch listeners: get in touch! (notahugefanpodcast@gmail.com) Also discussed: people who live in the Pacific Northwest as well as our recent episode with Erik Escobar. Then Isaac introduces his new Web 3.0 media company Vandal Press (https://medium.com/vandal-press), which is pioneering the practice of peer to peer micropayments for content creators and removing corporate middlemen who gobble up all the proceeds. An episode for people who want to feel like they're in a business meeting!
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
2018: SJWs vs. Racists
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Part 2 of a political trilogy with returning guests Seth Goldsmith and Joe Aprill! This week is all about elections over the next two years: will the SJW crowd vote for a white president? Is the "SJW crowd" even a thing, or just a part of the fevered imagination of the right? Also discussed: whither Steve Bannon, the lunatic Teddy Roosevelt, predictions for 2018 elections, and nuclear near-accidents.
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
The Trumper Trap
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Seth Goldsmith (@InfiniteSeth) and Joe Aprill are back to join Charles in witnessing Isaac make a shocking announcement, one that has serious repercussions for the podcast! Then it's on to the politics of the moment: Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury, the new tax law, and who would be the best Democratic presidential candidate in 2020. Also, for some reason the 2016 election returns as the Bernie Bros are slammed and Zombie Hillary Clinton returns from the dead to eat the brains of the right.
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Cucks Love The Last Jedi
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
This week's topic: the most controversial and divisive film of the year! Pro-Last Jedi guests Seth Goldsmith and Joe Aprill argue the merits of The Last Jedi against haters Isaac and Charles, although soon the battle lines are not so clearly drawn. Also discussed are whether the prequels were racist, why people arguing about space movies always resort to physics arguments, and the age at which you first saw Star Wars determining whether you care about it or not. Furthermore, would John McClane have voted for Trump and why hasn't Michael Bay been hit by the Weinstein Effect?
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
One of Our Attorneys is a Jew
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
The show shares some listener mail about the recent Conner Habib episode, including the accusation from previous guest Evan Williams that Charles was hitting on Conner, which Charles denies. Then Isaac and Charles decide on the appropriate anti-Semitism warning sound for the show. Send in your own clips! Speaking of Jews, Isaac and Charles differ on the appropriate displays of holiday accoutrements. On the crutch word front, Isaac tries to reduce his use of the word "but" with little success and Charles brags about stopping himself from saying "you know" while unfortunately uttering it numerous times.
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Minisode: Aziz Ansari's Fingers
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
A few minutes of fresh, topical content with guests Seth Goldsmith and Joe Aprill. The Babe Magazine article on Aziz Ansari's possibly bad behavior is out and our panel of dudes investigates! Was it sexual misconduct or just a bad date? Also, what is going on with the fingers in mouth thing? Also covered is Aziz's TV show Master of None and whether his character should be seen so sympathetically. This episode will assuredly age well.